They Shall Never Thirst…

As I have offered up my writing to the Lord, I have never thirsted for ideas.  Sure I have wrestled to flesh them out, but whenever I have given thought to what the Lord would like me to write, He has been faithful to provide a word, image, something to direct me to His will.  Today the word was Thirst.

I think of the Israelites in the wilderness crying out that they wanted to turn back because they were hungry and thirsty.  Instead of seeking God’s provision, they whined and complained.  Still God provided water. I know when I struggle for ideas it is because I haven’t sought Him. I haven’t spent time in His word.   Scripture is compared to water.  God’s word flows out of heaven and into our hearts. That is where the Living Water is found.

One of my favorite parts of writing fiction is watching my characters grow.  Understanding why they are who they are, helps me see how God works.  That wilderness experience shaped a whole generation to learn from their elders’ mistakes.  Likewise, I learn and my characters learn by proxy.

Living WaterWhen we are truly thirsty, we will drink just about anything to quench it, but that isn’t His will. He desires we seek Him and His provision.  As a writer, I find myself wanting His Living Water to flow through my own words without being preachy nor out of their time period. Truth is timeless and speaks to the hearer.

Lately, He has been teaching me to let the ideas stew in His word. I want my words to nourish my readers’ souls. As I begin working on book two, I want to be able to taste the end product and try and replicate it.  But that isn’t how the Lord works.  He offers the ingredients and each must be prepared and seasoned.  Most of all they must all be allowed to stew in the water of His Word so that they blend and create something unique. God knows I’m not a cook.  I’m not even fond of drinking water.  But He also knows that I am willing to follow wherever He leads, even if it is to the kitchen, to finish the work set before me.

Meanwhile, Surviving the Stillness is sitting ready to serve, and I haven’t offered to share it with my readers.  So if you head over to my Books and Publications page you will see that there are new links to my book both in soft cover and for Kindle.  On the Kindle page, there is a preview of almost all of the first four chapters. So enjoy a taste.

I’d love to hear from you.  What thirst has the Lord quenched in your life?

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